Our Vision Integrated Agriculture & Energy, a closed loop energy Supply Chain. Harnessing new age technology (w-t-e, solar, water, mechanised production and renewable fuel outputs), supply chain partners and add value to a range of fossil and non-fossil feedstocks. Development and expansion of our project, with a keen focus on the convergence of resources, energy and agriculture, and associated infrastructure, with a strategic purpose in adding value to developing unconvential and alternative energy sources.
The ever growing convergence in resources and natural inputs, creating significant synergies along the Supply Chain - a powerful low cost / efficient production platform through to brand management, vertically & horizontally integrated with add value segments inconjunction with strategic Partners.
Currently in the process of raising capital through a mix of private capital & funds, ultimately feeding into an international Agri & Energy Fund, and executed via a localised (Australian) structure.
Framework $350M USD (seed & inception) through upto $2B USD generating ~$20B enterprise value and ~$100B national value
Incorporating a carbon management division to promote & harness the very real and substantial carbon offsets / abatement credits inherent across the integrated project
...agriculture investment continues to be a critical component for meeting increasing demand from developing economies and alternative energy mandates for food, fiber and fuel. By 2030, for example, the world’s farmland will likely have to support a population of more than eight billion people -- an increase that will require a 25 percent boost in agricultural productivity.¹