In a world increasingly moving toward carbon management, sustainable, economical solutions are driving investment, innovation and a desire to be 'clean'… Quantum Fuel is grasping the challenge with both hands, and taking it one step further - a closed loop Energy Supply Chain.
Introducing new technology, developed over some 40 years, and commercially adapted by dedicated and experienced engineers, we can produce a range of synthetic fuels from a range of waste materials – both fossil and non-fossil origins (ie biomass). To use an international term - RDF’s - refuse derived fuels, where the EIOER (Energy Invested On Energy Returned) is significant. The uniqueness of our technology rest with its relative simplicity to implement, construct and operate, its ability to scale-up, production and maintenance costs, range of feed-stocks / waste materials, and fundamentally, the end products do not require mixing.
In designing the Energy Supply Chain (click) - well researched, supported with science and experience - complimentary operations link together, creating an added value economic model - mitigating risks and absorbing price shocks - with supply chain partners. eg new-age feedlots, dry-land aquaculture, olives, glass-houses, MW (municipal waste), fuel distributors, co-generation with solar / heat harvesting, water management technology and end-buyers.
At this stage in the planets and man-kinds evolution, there is no silver bullet forthcoming, that will produce cheap, unlimited supply of clean energy - always acknowledging, certain levels of carbon in our atmosphere, soils, oceans etc… will continue to be needed, how else will trees and plants breathe.
Over time... the energy mix, will consist of a suite of energy inputs, such as: renewable [solar, wind, hydro, wave etc] and non-renewable / fossil [coal, gas, oil, nuclear etc] - with a range of technologies harnessing each of these potential to deliver a triple bottom line - social, environmental and economic, also referred to as 3BL (people, planet, profit).
Business, will allocate resources to profitable solutions, not those that further burden an already constrained resourced planet. Distribution systems will adapt, people will seize opportunities and Governments will act, both because it is good and vote catching.
Quantum Fuel is a significant step toward such technologically based solutions.
Introducing new technology, developed over some 40 years, and commercially adapted by dedicated and experienced engineers, we can produce a range of synthetic fuels from a range of waste materials – both fossil and non-fossil origins (ie biomass). To use an international term - RDF’s - refuse derived fuels, where the EIOER (Energy Invested On Energy Returned) is significant. The uniqueness of our technology rest with its relative simplicity to implement, construct and operate, its ability to scale-up, production and maintenance costs, range of feed-stocks / waste materials, and fundamentally, the end products do not require mixing.
In designing the Energy Supply Chain (click) - well researched, supported with science and experience - complimentary operations link together, creating an added value economic model - mitigating risks and absorbing price shocks - with supply chain partners. eg new-age feedlots, dry-land aquaculture, olives, glass-houses, MW (municipal waste), fuel distributors, co-generation with solar / heat harvesting, water management technology and end-buyers.
At this stage in the planets and man-kinds evolution, there is no silver bullet forthcoming, that will produce cheap, unlimited supply of clean energy - always acknowledging, certain levels of carbon in our atmosphere, soils, oceans etc… will continue to be needed, how else will trees and plants breathe.
Over time... the energy mix, will consist of a suite of energy inputs, such as: renewable [solar, wind, hydro, wave etc] and non-renewable / fossil [coal, gas, oil, nuclear etc] - with a range of technologies harnessing each of these potential to deliver a triple bottom line - social, environmental and economic, also referred to as 3BL (people, planet, profit).
Business, will allocate resources to profitable solutions, not those that further burden an already constrained resourced planet. Distribution systems will adapt, people will seize opportunities and Governments will act, both because it is good and vote catching.
Quantum Fuel is a significant step toward such technologically based solutions.
"Biomass gasification is a mature technology pathway that uses a controlled process involving heat, steam, and oxygen to convert biomass to hydrogen and other products, without combustion.
Because growing biomass removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the net carbon emissions of this method can be low, especially if coupled with carbon capture, utilization, and storage in the long term.
Gasification plants for biofuels are being built and operated, and can provide best practices and lessons learned for hydrogen production." ¹
¹ The U.S. Department of Energy
"Biomass gasification is a mature technology pathway that uses a controlled process involving heat, steam, and oxygen to convert biomass to hydrogen and other products, without combustion.
Because growing biomass removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the net carbon emissions of this method can be low, especially if coupled with carbon capture, utilization, and storage in the long term.
Gasification plants for biofuels are being built and operated, and can provide best practices and lessons learned for hydrogen production." ¹
¹ The U.S. Department of Energy